Month: March 2020

Stacking Beacons & Their Functions

The installation of warning signals has become a necessity for smoother operations within businesses these days. They help to prevent further damage when an incident occurs, as well as increasing efficiency. Most companies invest in warning beacons, such as stacking beacons, to increase the safety of the overall operation. Stacking Beacons Explained Stacking beacons inform you of the status of […]

The roles of ICAO & FAA in Aviation

Rules and regulations are crucial to avoid chaos and danger. They help outline what a person can or cannot do. They exist to sustain equity, protect people from each other, promote certain values and to provide goods and services. It also offers protection to victims of crimes and punishment to those who violate laws. Without them, we would not have […]

How does Factory Automation help the Manufacturing Industry?

Many companies already prove how automation changes their production in several positive ways. It makes them more competitive in the industry by simply having a changed mindset. Some think automation is just good for larger scales while in fact, every workplace deserves such particular machine tools. Factories are better off with automation devices as marked over the years. Small manufacturers […]

Warning Lights in Aviation

Air flight paths at night must be more visible to reduce potential collisions. Beacon lights help to provide a warning light to airborne aircraft – for this application they are available in either red or white for increased visibility. FAA/ICAO Lighting Requirements Lighting for this purpose should conform with FAA and ICAO lighting requirements, to ensure continued safety. Aviation warning […]